Monday, July 11, 2011


Yes it has been a very long time since I posted a blog, over a year infact, but things have been very very busy. You see the boys have been diagnosed with moderate Autism Spectrum Disorder (explains alot) and we have a new addition to the family, Hope Erin Scarlet DeVries was born on March 10th, 2011. weighing in at 5lbs and 15oz. She is a wonderful addition and brings all of us much joy.

Back to the boys. Shortly after the boys 1st birthday I started to have concerns about their delay development, so I started asking alot of questions, I had us put on waiting lists for speach and occupational therepy, my thinking was that I would rather get them help and find out there is nothing wrong, then not get them help and find out that something was wrong.. In June of last year we met with the pediatrichan who told us that the boys were probably Autistic and she would put us on the list for the tests... in the at the very same time we found this out, we found out we were pregnant, and then just like that our names reached the top of the lists for occupational therepy and resource teachers and...and ...and.... We ended up putting the boys in a day care for 2 half days a week where they would work on socialization skills as well as life skills. best move we could have made for the boys, they began to grow and develop almost immediatlly, we were thrilled with the results.

On April 4th of this year we recieved the confirmed diagnosis of Moderate Autism, I am so glad we already had the ball rolling with all the necessary programs, because you see, now the boys have an excellent chance to attend school with vertually no sign of their "disability".

The moral of this story guessed it Early intervention is key, I tell all parents out there to please for your childs sake just trust your guy, nobody knows your child better then you, if you feel that there may be something wrong persay with your child, what is it going to hurt to have them checked out? your pride may be hurt but who cares if it is for your childs benifit.

If anyone has any questions about Early Intervention or Autism, please feel free to contact me through the comments, and we will connect, I am happy to share anything I know for a childs sake.

Until next time (who knows when)

Take care and God Bless!!!

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