Sunday, May 2, 2010

Splitting my self into 2

Ahhhh warm sunshiney days!!!

With the weather being soo nice I cant help but take the boys outside as often as possible, its great to get out and get away from the computer and the TV and the boys just love it!!

One day was particularly fun though, I took the boys to the park, its a very big beautiful park that has an area for all age groups! and LOTS of fun! (When I take the boys there with no husband or helper I put the boys under a very strict 3 chances law! If either one of them strays too far from the other 3 times, we go home! this has led to a couple of very short visits to the park, but they are learning.) The boys went threw their 3 chances very fast so we came home to play in the back yard, they were playing great and we were having fun, until.... (to understand this next part, just invision a foot deep trench along once side of the yard along the fence, and on the other side of the yard between the garage and the house is open, and the end of the driveway) .....John was headed for the trench and I was going to try and catch him before he fell, I quickly looked to see where Michael was and...yup he was headed across the yard for the driveway....hmmm what should I do, I dont want John to fall, BUT Michael is in more danger if he makes it to the other end of the drive way before I catch and divert John. So as much as it pained my heart to let John get hurt I had to chase after Michael and that is what I did, he was halfway down the drive way by the time I got to him, I was releaved that I got to him intime. Michael and I headed back to the backyard only to see John straddeling the root of a tree that runs across the trench, and get this, he was laughing!!!! Can you believe it, it was like he found his own private little pony ride.

Funny story eh? Well let me tell you, I am a proud supporter of the child leash!!! I wasn't always mind you. Before I had kids of my own, I thought it to be a discusting form of child care, now I say, If you dont believe in the saftey of a child leash, then come play outside with my kids for a day!! I promise your mind will be changed!!

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